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1、Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. ― Zora Neale Hurston

2、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching——偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。


4、The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. ― Stephen R. Covey

5、So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me…everyday. — Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook


7、When I am with you, we stay up all night. When you’re not here, I can’t go to sleep. Praise God for those two insomnias! And the difference between them. ― Rumi

8、satisfaction doesn't come from the outside, but from the inside.

9、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。曹禺Long bosom friend, can do not doubt; No doubt, can be long bosom friend. He had

10、Love ,promised between the fingers.Finger rift,twisted in the love

11、你知道当你找不到回去的时候你已经找到了爱.―Robert Brault


13、Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you. ― Jacques Prévert

14、他现在觉得他不只是接近她,但他不知道他在哪里结束,她开始了.— Leo Tolstoy,Anna Karenina


16、所以这不容易.这将是非常困难的,我们将不得不每天工作,但我想这样做,因为我需要你.我要你们,永远,每天.你和我…每天.— Nicholas Sparks,笔记本


18、Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. — Anas Nin

19、Far from eyes,far from heart.



22、Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you.


24、Last night, I got up the courage to ask you if you regretted us. “There are things I miss,” you said. “But if I didn’t have you, I’d miss more.” ― David Levithan, The Lover’s Dictionary

25、昨晚,我鼓起勇气问你是否后悔了.“有些事我错过了,”你说.“但如果我没有你,我会错过更多.”―David Levithan情人的字典