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I love the world fireworks, impartial, just you, good night, the rest of my life is you.~~你欣赏这些短句吗?有请驻留一会,阅读情感一生网为你整理的晚安心语正能量朋友圈英文45句,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

1、In this beautiful night, Id like to send you my best wishes before going to bed. Good night, good dream!


3、The eyes with tears are brighter, and the heart with blood is stronger! good night!

4、We can live together for the rest of our lives. good night!

5、Its OK to be late, because youre worth waiting. good night.


7、People, less commitment, more practical. Dont talk about it. Talk about it behind your back. good night.

8、May you smile, let go of your troubles and troubles, and have a good sleep.



11、Looking forward to the occurrence of good things, looking forward to the dream of things, can be achieved. good night.

12、Im good at hiding myself. Im better at hiding how much I like you. Good night. Keep you in my heart.

13、I want to spend your money, sleep in your bed and be your wife. good night.

14、Youve had a good time in your life. I wish you no ups and downs in the years, and respect me for the rest of my life. good night!

15、If one knows why to live, he can face any life problem calmly. good night.

16、心大了,所有的事都小了,宽容,让我们包容了 Big heart, all things are small, tolerance, let us contain more beautiful. good night!


18、Only by changing ones attitude can we change the height of life. good night!

19、Life is just like a one-way road, where there are years to go back. good night.

20、There is no meaning to pay, no longer want to.

21、Dont forget the flash on you when its bad. good night.

22、You are so gentle, take two steps, the wind is sweet, good night, good dream.

23、Across the Milky way, across the moon, to meet the best of yourself. good night.

24、There are more people who like me. You are the boss.

25、Good night, easy sleep and happy every day!

26、The kind of relationship that can not be broken clean, and can not be as good as ever, is the most tormenting. good night.

27、The heart is calm and cool naturally, the heart is broad, and the body is in good health.

28、The first sign of true love is timidity in boys and boldness in girls. good night.

29、Why prove to those who are not worth living better for yourself. good night.

30、The rest of life is very expensive, dont embarrass yourself, put down the past, let go of yourself. good night.

31、What really moves people is never the thought, but the young courage. good night.

32、Ive been shaking in front of me for a day. Im tired. Go to sleep.

33、So late, know me and dont know me, I care about you, good night.

34、Boil the stars into syrup, dip them in the goodnight you said, and then eat them in big gulps.

35、Love is a kind of mutual force, you love life, life will embrace you. good night.

36、Sweet dream, sweet heart, sweet smile, so happy.

37、◆◇ヽ釹 人 的 幸 福 衹 有 男 人 才 給 的 起 麼

38、I hope this summer, there is heart, like, someone to accompany you blowing night breeze, good night.

39、Hang up the moon, light up the stars, get ready to go to sleep, good night and a good dream.

40、Good night, my dear, cover the quilt tightly, dream that I will marry you, Mo!

41、Holding your hand, no matter where I am, I feel like running towards heaven. good night!

42、Take over the sour lemon in life and turn it into sweet and sour lemonade. good night.

43、The most beautiful happiness is the feeling you give, the most beautiful happiness is to meet you. good night!

44、Origin, in the crowd, I see you; fate, I see you, in the crowd. good night!

45、I love the world fireworks, impartial, just you, good night, the rest of my life is you.