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1、Yangyang happy home celebrate the New Year,every year New Year HuanHuanLeLe horse!洋洋喜气热热闹闹喜迎新年,年年新春欢欢乐乐心想事成!


3、我希望你有一个幸福和繁荣的新年。 I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.

4、Special wishes for you. May the Spring Festival bring you endless happiness and good luck. Wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy and successful New Year.

5、糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship

6、May you come into a good fortune!祝吉星高照!

7、We offer New year blessings to you、我们向您献上圣诞节的祝福!

8、May the Spring Festival be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes.

9、My old friend, wish your festival happiness, walk good luck all the year round, happy, bonanza! The work is smooth, a successful career!

10、Let's spread the bells of the Spring Festival, also let's sprinkle love and praise to the world。 Friends, I bless you forever!

11、Years may fade away, but we can not fade the laughter and laughter we left behind. I wish you a happy new year.


13、May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happy with family reunions, wish of covered the Spring Festival, the New Year。

14、To the Spring Festival and the god of wealth, luck with my short message to! In the New Year more treasure, the icing on the cake of life next year。


16、It is another Spring Festival. I wish you prosperity and happiness in the New Year.又是一年春节,愿您在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满!



19、Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.恭贺新禧,祝身体健康事业发达。

20、On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you and your family happiness, good health, joy galloping thousands of miles, to a higher level! 值此新春佳节之际,祝您及家人幸福吉祥身体健康,乐驰千里马,更上一层楼!

21、With the new year around the corner and happiness blossoming like flowers, I wish you a joyful heart and all your wishes coming true in the new year!


23、New Year time is here.I hope you have a wonderful New Year.May every day hold happy hours for you. 新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!


25、除夕到,在你家大门上贴上健康年画,让你永远健康美满。When New Year's Eve arrives, paste a health picture on your door to make you healthy and happy forever.

26、Congratulation red envelopes, don't take a red envelope into the panda、 恭喜发财红包拿来,不拿红包打成熊猫。

27、A New year greeting to cheer you from your daughter.愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。


29、Taking the New Year's bell sounded, gone with the wind to send my blessing, lingering in your side、 新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。


31、Thanks for the New Year 20xx.感谢新的20xx


33、Wishing you happiness during the Spring Festival.


35、祝您新年马到功成,万事如意!I wish you every success in the New Year.

36、Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the all your students.

37、团圆饭 family reunion dinner

38、Good luck to the New Year's holiday,ferro longevity in the door!I wish you good luck and all the best!新春佳节好运到,福禄寿星进门来!愿你好运连连,事事如意!

39、Good luck in the new year, good luck and good health. 新年好运运运好,心想事成事事成,身体健康棒棒棒,万事如意甜如蜜!

40、It is a good start. May my sincere blessing bring you a successful year! I wish you a happy New Year!

41、阳光明媚春风吹。华夏儿女笑声飞。除夕守夜迎新岁,共庆佳节举金杯,万家灯火闪光辉。The sun is shining and the spring breeze is blowing. The laughter of the Chinese children flew. On New Year's Eve, we celebrate the new year's Eve. We celebrate the festival with golden cups.