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1、The family is harmonious, happy in a year, happy in a life, peaceful and safe in a lifetime, full of energy every day, full of joy every month, and abundant financial resources every year. Happy New Year!

2、After the Spring Festival, I sorted out my mood and went to work. The blessing was not broken, and the greetings were still there. Work hard and perform more. The year-end bonus will always love you. Your pocket will be bulging for the new year. Happiness will last forever!


4、The new year is coming. For the sake of the earth's environment and resources, please consciously reduce the purchase of traditional paper greeting cards. You can fill in the congratulatory message with a pencil on the large face value RMB and send it to me! Thank you for your support for environmental protection! I wish you happiness!


6、If you leave in a hurry, who knows it's hard to see. Warm expectations, long thoughts and heartfelt wishes. I wish my friends good health and good luck in the New Year!

7、Raise your glass in the bell of the new year, let the mellow fragrance of the wine ripple in the air, and let my gratitude to you slowly precipitate in the glass. I wish my friends a happy, healthy and happy New Year!

8、Season's greetingsfromXiao Li and Ming Ming.

9、The sound of firecrackers leaves the old year and takes away the troubles of the past; Fireworks cluster in the night sky, shining the brilliance of the future; The Spring Festival couplets are attached to the door and wall, looking forward to a better next year; Delicacies are served on the table and happy New Year's reunion. Text messages send wishes for a happy new year and family reunion!

10、In the new year, may you enter the new year with peace, health, happiness, warmth, sweetness, wealth and good luck and spend every day happily!

11、The first ray of sunshine is my deep blessing to you. The last bright red of the sunset is my heartfelt greetings to you. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I send my sincere wishes: Happy New Year!


13、Happy to welcome the New Year, and the New Year will debut first. Happy to buy new year's goods, sweet and fragrant. Sacrifice the stove and mix the noodle soup, and send good luck safely. Clean for the New Year, busy cleaning the courtyard. I wish you happiness and well-being when I send my blessing to you!


15、The blooming fireworks will be interpreted with festivity, the red couplets will be filled with auspiciousness, the high hanging lanterns will cover happiness, the fragrant dumplings will be wrapped with joy, and the sincere words will convey blessings. I wish the whole family a happy Spring Festival! Happy New Year!

16、Pain belongs to others, and happiness belongs to yourself; Trouble will be temporary, friends are always eternal; Love is managed by heart. There is no big deal in the world. Happy new year.



19、The Spring Festival comes, SMS reports; New Year greetings, wish you smile; life is happy, good luck over; double wages, have both fame and wealth, opportunities around; health need; a text message, all is well。春节来到,短信报道;新年问好,愿你微笑;生活幸福,好运笼罩;工资翻番,机遇围绕;福禄双全,健康必要;短信一条,一切安好。
