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Wishing you a day filled with love, happiness, and joy on this National Day.~~这些句子适合你吗?小编现在向你推荐祝福的英语短句子(简短24句),仅供参考,我们来看看吧!

1、Happy National Day! May you be blessed with love, joy, and prosperity.

2、祝我国的未来更加光明!Here's to a brighter future for our country!

3、祝愿祖国更加进步发展!Wishing even further progress and development for our motherland!

4、祝愿我们的国家变得越来越美丽!Wishing our country becomes more and more beautiful!

5、Happy National Day! Let us celebrate and honor the beauty and diversity of our nation.

6、Sending you warm wishes on this special day. Happy National Day!

7、祝福我们的祖国勇往直前!Blessings for our motherland to advance courageously!

8、May this National Day bring us all closer as a nation, united in pride and glory.

9、Wishing you the happiest and most memorable National Day celebrations.

10、Best wishes for a National Day filled with love and positivity.

11、祖国,你是我们最亲爱的!Motherland, you are our most beloved!

12、May our country continue to inspire the world on this National Day and always. 愿我们的国家在国庆节和以后继续激励全世界。

13、Let's preserve and promote our national heritage on National Day!

14、Best wishes for a National Day filled with laughter and joy.

15、Happy National Day! Let's spread love and happiness!

16、祝福我们的国家和人民事业蒸蒸日上!Blessings for our country and people's careers to prosper!

17、May the blessings of our country continue to bring happiness and joy to all its citizens.

18、Let's rejoice in our nation's prosperity and progress on National Day!

19、Best wishes on this special day! May the Chinese people always be filled with pride and love for their country.

20、Let's promote innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship on National Day!

21、祝福我们的祖国雄风依旧!Blessings for our motherland's continued glory!

22、Happy National Day! May this day remind us of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters.

23、Happy National Day! Let's unite as a nation and celebrate our success and achievements.

24、Wishing you a day filled with love, happiness, and joy on this National Day.