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Cry most thoroughly, think most deeply.如需详细了解“简短发朋友圈英文晚安心语”请阅读下面的更多信息,这些句子供您参考请将本页面收藏起来以备参考。到了晚上,我们可以卸下白天的面具,迎接真实的自我,深夜来临时,大家会因为夜晚的寂静感到心情低落,发布关于心情的说说。晚安心语可以使我们消除一天的疲乏。


1、Only when you have a big heart can you win the joy and anger and lose the strength. good night!

2、Love to the depths of the original is lonely.

3、Between lips and teeth, between eyebrows and eyes, I like you year after year. good night!

4、Send you a box of affectionate chocolate, let read your love is too thick to open.

5、Every time I see you, I forget everything and remember that I love you、good night.

6、The world is not my way, you are my way.

7、I like you, like a whale to the sea, like a bird to the forest.

8、Quietly love, insist or defend.

9、Thats all for todays trouble. May the tomorrow you want be what you want. good night!

10、Today's event is tomorrow's small matter、The biggest event of the year will be next year's story、good night!

11、Dont play a bad life for those who dont belong to you. Good night, world.

12、When people are tired, they go to sleep. When they are tired, they giggle.

13、Why can flowers fly until they die.

14、t everybody could sail the ocean, but still we could share this dream不是每个人都能成为销魂的船长,但都可以让梦想远航。

15、Some roads are far away, and it will be very tiring to walk on. However, if you dont leave, you will regret it. good night.

16、Perhaps the work tired, maybe life bored; when the sun has gone far, rest at the moment is the key; may happiness always be with you, may the good dreams come true; good night!

17、Only when you are old can you be a wife.

18、I really like staying up late. I think I was a street lamp in my last life. good night.

19、I'm so lucky to meet you. good night!

20、Remember that you dont live for others, you live for yourself. good night!


21、Just because you are so beautiful that I can't tell you that I love you. good night!

22、Please remember: less bad people, concentrate on making money, eat and sleep well. good night.

23、May God bless my love, and I alone remain.

24、You are always envious of others, but you are proud of yourself、good night!

25、Sleep well and dream well. Dream with me, will not be lonely; dream with you laugh, no longer worry.

26、The day I met you, my star lit up. good night!

27、Cry most thoroughly, think most deeply.

28、I can't share your happiness.

29、In the northeast, there is an answer、It's called ^v^en Na^v^.

30、I always forget to tell you how lucky I am to meet you. good night!

31、The more you try to forget, the more you remember.

32、The heart is simple, the world is simple, and happiness will grow. good night!

33、You know, time is meaningless before meeting you. good night!QG13.com

34、I want to accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress, and then spend the sunset together. good night!

35、The life is bright, the life is lovely, the world is worth, everything can be expected、good night.

36、The thought wants to leave, but the heart always stays!

37、Send you Zhou Gong meet, send you dream full, only wish you peace of mind sleep.

38、If I love you less, I can say more. good night!

39、One is to ward off three evils, and one is to ward off all evils.