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1、愿你快乐安康,幸福平安! Wish you happiness and health, happiness and peace!

2、平安夜,送你一个苹果,祝福你平安快乐,幸福相拥。 Christmas Eve, send you an apple, wish you peace and happiness, happy embrace.

3、May you have the best Christmas Eve ever。 愿你过个最愉快的平安夜节。

4、May the angel bring you peace,happiness,joys and fortunes。 愿可爱的小天使带给你平安,幸福,快乐和如意。

5、清清的风吹来悠悠的云,悠悠的云含着纷纷的雪,纷纷的雪缠着绵绵的浪漫,绵绵的浪漫陪伴你渡一个浪漫的平安夜。圣诞快乐! Chilly wind is blowing above the clouds, above the clouds with the snow, snow in succession is wrapped in the romantic, so romantic with you to a romantic Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

6、平安夜,点起一盏烛光,照亮我们的前程。 On Christmas Eve, light a candle to light our future.

7、陪着平安歌唱,愿好运永远守你身旁。 Singing with peace, may good luck always be by your side.

8、愿你平安夜健康幸福,平安快乐! Wish you health and happiness on Christmas Eve, peace and happiness!

9、平安夜,平安为你开道,幸福与你环抱,挫折见你赶紧让道,烦恼忧愁通通走掉,开心快乐给你与众不同的关照,圣诞来到,祝福短信送上! Christmas Eve, safe way for you and happiness with you around, setbacks see you hurriedly, tao is all go, happy to give you special attention to Christmas, blessing messages to send!

10、吃个黄苹果,祝你飞黄腾达,事业高! Eat a yellow apple, I wish you a prosperous career!

11、亲爱的朋友,平安夜的钟声回响在小路,我送你一棵真诚的圣诞树,上面闪着我们友情的回顾,挂满了我对你的祝福,愿好运永远把你呵护,愿你一生平安幸福。 My dear friends, the ding of the Christmas Eve echoed in the path, I send you a sincere Christmas tree, above the review of our friendship, full of my blessing to you, wish good luck always put your care, peace be to you a lifetime of happiness.

12、平安夜送平安,愿大家平平安安! Peace on Christmas Eve, wish you all peace and security!

13、平安夜的祝福,为你围绕。 Christmas Eve blessing, for you around.

14、平安夜梦见有人在唱赞美诗,那你就去善待别人吧;圣诞夜梦见上帝朝你微笑,那你一定会得到恩惠。如果是这样,那你就尽情地享受生活,享受快乐吧! Silent night dreamed someone singing hymns, then you go and be kind to others. Christmas Eve dream god smile at you, that you are sure to get grace. If so, then you are free to enjoy life, enjoy happiness!

15、最是暖暖的平安夜,和你一起,逛热闹长街,借朗朗明月,数灯火连绵,温年华细节。只要你说在你心里我又重了一些些,我所有忧郁就轻轻化解。 Is the most warm warm on Christmas Eve, and you together, lively strip, borrow the moon lang lang, a few lights, a series of WenNianHua details. As long as you said in your heart me again some more, I will gently dissolve all melancholy.

16、平安夜,让子弹飞,赶走所有眼泪。 Christmas Eve, let the bullet fly, drive away all tears.